Will you be someone’s hero today?
Can you spare a few dollars to make a difference in our community?
As a neighborhood of concerned individuals who realize that caring for unwanted animals costs our community in tax dollars; it is now our time to help.
Donations can be made here through Paypal:
Its easy!
You don't need a paypal account. You can donate with your credit card without an account.
You will receive a receipt, in the mail, for your donation.
Not sure?
Consider this, for the cost of one soft drink a day for one month, your donation can potentially prevent 500 unplanned births within one year or more than 1 million births in eight years! As a neighborhood of concerned individuals who realize that caring for unwanted animals costs our community in tax dollars; it is now our time to help.
We are asking you to support our mission by simply placing your tax deductible donation, made payable to S.A.N.D.S., in the mail today. In return you will receive a receipt for your contribution, updates regarding our progress, and the knowledge that you are making a difference in our community.
Speaking on behalf of those animals that cannot speak for themselves, and the S.A.N.D.S. organization, we look forward to your support and thank you in advance for your generosity.
If you want to help the animals in Imperial Valley please send tax-deductible donations to:
304 Sunny Meadow Pl.
Brawley, CA 92227